Category: Magazine Launch Announcements
Zelda Issue Ten is Now In Print and Available For Purchase!
Hey, Everyone! After a printing delay Zelda Magazine Issue ten is back from the printer and we are happy to make it available to you! Inside you will find the usual great articles on vintage lifestyle, art, music and fashion, and tips on where to find it today. In this issue there are articles on:…
Zelda Magazine Issue 8 launches!
Zelda Magazine Issue Eight is now available to purchase online! The newest issue of Zelda is out for Spring/Summer! You can buy it at select stores and events or purchase it online here. And to complete your collection, you can buy previous issues, too! This issue is full of all kinds of Jazz Age, Art…
Zelda Magazine Issue Five is available for sale!
The latest issue of Zelda Magazine is available now for purchase! After the untimely loss of Magazine founder Diane Naegel, we here at Zelda are continuing her legacy and are proud to announce that the Fall/Winter issue of Zelda Magazine has met our goal of high quality and standards that Diane set with previous…
Launch of Issue 4 & Zelda’s New Look!
Hello, Vintage Enthusiasts! As you might notice, has an all new look! We’ve taken Zelda’s online presence into this new format to accommodate blogging about our most current news and events, and to make it even easier for our readers to navigate. You can find out right here on our homepage about events where…