Zelda Advertisers: Discount Rates!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

To help promote our sponsors, we are offering discounted advertising!

Many of our advertisers are small, independent businesses (just like Zelda Magazine) and to help them stay in business and reach more customers, we are cutting our rates in half!

If you have a business related to art deco style, early 20th Century ephemera, or something with a Jazz Age twist, and would like to advertise in the latest issue of Zelda Magazine for Spring/Summer, scroll down for our rates and contact info.

Zelda Magazine

All advertising rates include:
Your print advertisement in Zelda Magazine and a free banner for weblinks on our site for six months as a sponsor of the magazine

“BARGAIN” BANNER AD – (5” wide x 1” tall) – $24 with free web banner ad

QUARTER PAGE AD – (2.5” wide x 3.5” tall) – $37 with free web banner ad

HALF PAGE AD – (5” wide x 3.5” tall OR 2.5” wide x 7.5” tall) – $60 with free web banner ad

FULL PAGE AD – (5” wide x 7.5” tall) – $99 with free web banner ad

INSIDE BACK COVER AD – (5.5” wide x 8.5” tall; full bleed 5.75” wide x 8.75” tall) – $142 with free web banner ad

INSIDE FRONT COVER AD – (5.5” wide x 8.5” tall; full bleed 5.75” wide x 8.75” tall) – $158 with free web banner ad

BACK COVER AD : (5.5” wide x 8.5” tall; full bleed 5.75” wide x 8.75” tall) – $192 with free web banner ad

Contact info@ZeldaMag.com with any questions you may have, and to book space in Zelda’s upcoming issue!