Advertise now in Zelda Magazine!


The next issue of Zelda: The Magazine of the Vintage Nouveau, is going to press the end of March, so get your ads in now!

Issue 10 of Zelda Magazine will be available to order at the end of April. It’s our Spring/Summer edition- so it’s a great time to show our readers new items and promote mid-year seasonal events! Finding gifts for a vintage lover is no easy job, and Zelda is the place our readers can refer to anytime for that task!

We are keeping the same low rates we offered in 2013, and returning advertisers get a twenty percent discount!

All advertising rates include your print advertisement in Zelda and a web link on our site for six months as a sponsor of the magazine. Bargain banner and quarter page ads include a text link on our site; while half page, full page, and cover page ads include a 75 x 200 pixel banner.

Contact with any questions you may have, and to book space in Zelda’s upcoming issue!