Issue 18 of Zelda Magazine Has Finally Arrived!


After a long delay, issue 18 of Zelda Magazine is back from the printer and is available for purchase!

Our multi-talented co-editor, Gin Minsky, is on a national tour, leaving it up to us to try to fill her always tapping shoes. As an all-volunteer small press, we rose to the challenge and overcame setbacks to bring you the latest issue of Zelda, and you won’t be disappointed! (And follow Gin’s exploits at

We’ll introduce you singing idol Nora Bayes, as Michael Cumella renews her star to its former glory. You’ll see why Sally Milgrim was one of the most important designers of the early 20th Century, and why the Block in Baltimore has a history of entertaining adults. Big band leader George Gee and ecdysiastic entrepreneur Delysia La Chatt will tell you in their own words about performing under the influence of the Jazz Age in modern culture, and burlesque historian Rosey La Rouge will show how striptease secured new accessories. And when it comes to athletics equipment, Zelda mentions the unmentionables with a timeline of strapping sportsmen.

Professor Esplin reminds us of a forgotten Baltimore cocktail, and Mr. Burton again gives guidance to the inquiring hopefuls. We’ll treat you to the Recipe Box, and show you around Charm City, the vintage sights and sounds of Baltimore! And if you’ve been wondering about what’s been going on since the last issue, we have a gallery of pics of all the parties.

Just click the Purchase Zelda button at the top of this page for this and all other issues of Zelda Magazine!