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Construction Contract Sum Meaning

Construction Contract Sum Meaning: Understanding the Basics

A construction contract sum is a term that is commonly used in the construction industry. It refers to the total amount of money that is going to be paid by the client or the owner of the project to the contractor for completing a specific construction project. This sum includes the costs of all materials, labor, and other expenses associated with the project. In this article, we will dive deeper into the meaning of the construction contract sum and its importance in the construction process.

What does the Construction Contract Sum cover?

The construction contract sum is an all-inclusive amount that covers all the necessary expenses related to the construction project. This generally includes the cost of the following:

1. Materials: This includes the cost of all the materials used in the construction process, such as cement, steel, bricks, tiles, and other construction materials.

2. Labor cost: This is the cost incurred for all the labor involved in the project, including the salaries of the workers, wages, and benefits.

3. Equipment and machinery: This includes the cost of renting or buying construction equipment and machinery needed for the project.

4. Contingency: This is the amount that is set aside for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the construction process, such as unexpected repairs and additional expenses.

Why is the Construction Contract Sum Important?

The construction contract sum is essential in any construction project as it serves as the basis for the agreement between the client and the contractor. It helps to ensure that the project is completed within the budget that has been agreed upon. The contract sum is often calculated by the contractor and the owner of the project to determine the financial feasibility of the project.

Additionally, the construction contract sum also plays a critical role in the management of the construction project. It is used to establish the cost baseline, which acts as a guide for monitoring and controlling costs throughout the project. This helps ensure that the project remains on budget and that there are no cost overruns.


The construction contract sum is a crucial aspect of any construction project. It is the amount that is agreed upon by the client and the contractor for the completion of the project, including all the necessary expenses. As such, it serves as the financial backbone of the project and helps ensure that the project is completed within the budget that has been set. As a copy editor, it is important to ensure that any related content is clear and concise, leaving no room for confusion or misinterpretation of this critical concept.

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