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East African Community Mediation Agreement Act

The East African Community Mediation Agreement Act: What You Need to Know

The East African Community (EAC) is an intergovernmental organization comprising six countries in East Africa, namely Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The goal of the EAC is to promote economic integration and cooperation among its member states. As part of its efforts, the EAC has put in place several laws and agreements to enhance peace and security in the region. One of these laws is the East African Community Mediation Agreement Act.

What is the East African Community Mediation Agreement Act?

The East African Community Mediation Agreement Act is a legal framework that provides for the settlement of disputes among EAC member states. The Act establishes the East African Community Mediation Centre, which is responsible for providing mediation services to the member states.

The mediation process involves the use of an impartial third party, the mediator, to facilitate negotiations between the parties in dispute. The mediator helps the parties to identify the issues in dispute, explore possible solutions, and reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

Why is the East African Community Mediation Agreement Act necessary?

Disputes among EAC member states can have serious consequences for the region`s stability and development. The EAC Mediation Agreement Act is necessary to provide a mechanism for resolving such disputes peacefully and efficiently.

Mediation is a less adversarial and less expensive process compared to other dispute resolution mechanisms such as litigation or arbitration. It also allows the parties to maintain control over the outcome of the process and to preserve their relationship.

What types of disputes can the EAC Mediation Centre handle?

The EAC Mediation Centre can handle a broad range of disputes, including those related to trade, investment, environmental issues, and human rights. The Centre can also provide mediation services to non-state actors such as civil society organizations and the private sector.

How does the mediation process work?

The mediation process begins with a request from one or both parties to the dispute. The Centre then appoints a mediator who meets with the parties separately to understand their respective positions and interests. The mediator then works with the parties to develop a mutually acceptable agreement.

The parties can choose to have the agreement binding or non-binding and can also choose to keep the details of the agreement confidential. The Centre`s role is to facilitate the process, and its staff members are bound by confidentiality and impartiality obligations.


The EAC Mediation Agreement Act is an important legal framework that provides for the peaceful resolution of disputes among EAC member states. The Act establishes the EAC Mediation Centre, which provides mediation services to the parties in dispute. Mediation helps the parties to maintain their relationship and control over the outcome of the process. The Centre can handle a broad range of disputes, and its staff members are committed to maintaining confidentiality and impartiality.

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